
What’s your Porsche 911 story?

Whether it was a road trip of a lifetime in one of Porsche’s finest models, or a winding path towards finally owning your dream 911 – if you’ve got a story to tell, we’d love to hear it.

You don’t have to rely on your current car either: we’re more than happy for you to take us on a trip down memory lane to a previous 911, all in the name of a good anecdote.

For inspiration, you can read Sally Treganowan’s account of how she travelled to Paris to buy her 1985 Carrera Targa as the first entry of this new feature in issue 93 of Total 911, on shelves now.

As usual, contacting us with your stories couldn’t be easier: simply leave a comment below, tweet us (@Total911) or email in to the editorial team via [email protected].

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